Wednesday, October 18, 2006
10/18 SNR III
- Another SCO user group to report! A keen-eyed reader over at IV ran across something called the "Committee to Maintain an Independent Xenix", or COMIX, which seems to be just one guy who posts to c.u.s.m a lot. Here's the guy's account about the "group" and its history: (Rico) hath wroth:
>"Organization: Committee to Maintain an Independent Xenix"
>Thought MS owned this?
There's a really long old story behind COMIX. In a previous life, I sold and supported SCO Xenix and Unix. Although Microsloth started Xenix somewhat before PCDOS/MSDOS, they sold most of the rights to SCO when IBM appeared on the scene and wanted PCDOS.
Fast forward many years, and we have one of the numerous battles in the Unix wars. The one that inspired COMIX was when AT&T invested in Sun Microsystems, and precipitated a revolt among Unix license holders, who claimed that Sun would get preferential treatment in Unix releases. I'll spare you the details. I saw this as an opportunity to establish a competing organization, where I would sell membership subscriptions for exorbitant amounts. That's where the "independent" came from. Absolutely nobody was interested and the idea died. I missed the chance to register the domain somewhat later, but the idea was dead by then. I also had a background in publishing pornographic comic books while going to skool, which somewhat inspired the acronym.
Jeff Liebermann
150 Felker St #D
Santa Cruz CA 95060
Skype: JeffLiebermann AE6KS 831-336-2558
So that answers that, I guess.
- This is only semi-on-topic because MacOSX is a *Nix: A silly bit of fun with AppleScript.
- While we're talking about Apple, didja know you could get a virus from your Windows iPod, right out of the box? That's... not so good. And talk about an unprofessional reaction to the problem. Jeez.
- The SCO saga explained via Gilbert & Sullivan, and The Dukes of Hazzard.
- A piece crowing about Sun's Unix strategy, getting in a few digs at the "Linux faithful" in the process.
- And yet, there's this piece about the declining Unix marketplace.
- And here's another Solaris-to-Linux migration, this time in Chicago. Go figure.
By brx0 @ 6:37 PM