Tuesday, November 28, 2006
11/29 SNR
- In case you missed it, today's top story is that SCO's case against IBM is royally screwed. Yes, even more. Today, Judge Kimball affirmed Magistrate Wells' earlier ruling that tossed out nearly all of SCO's supposed "evidence". Groklaw has the story here, and Tuxrocks has the PDF of the ruling here.
It's never easy to predict how much media play this kind of thing will get. Kimball simply affirmed an existing ruling, and didn't break any ground. It's fair to say it would've been much bigger news if he'd reversed the earlier ruling. As always, if I see any interesting media coverage of the latest goings-on, you'll see it all here.
- A new SJVN piece, written prior to the ruling, titled "SCO No Longer Matters". Well, I'd argue that's been true for a year or two now. But the saga's still fun to watch.
- A piece from India about the recent SCOoffice Server update.
- Another bit about the Bad Elf beer situation. More at BeerAdvocate.
- Stop the presses: Looks like the state of New York has changed its mind, and citizens of the Empire State can have their Xmas brewskis after all. Way to chase that ambulance, BS&F! Naturally, they're saying the case will continue anyway, because arguing over constitutionality can be very, very lucrative.
- BS&F may also end up running a class action case against Halliburton, if the plaintiffs manage to fire their existing law firm. Talk about jumping from the frying pan into the fire.
- Not a lot of useful material on the message boards right now, unless you like trolls and spammers. Someone posted a link to a video clip of the Spam sketch, complete with Japanese subtitles. So this will be today's token contribution from the boards.
- More great Zune schadenfreude from BusinessWeek, ITWire, CNet UK, and FIN24.
- A recent piece about the Canopy Group turning over a new leaf. The piece is recent, but everything in it is old news. Ralphie's been gone for ages and ages now.
By brx0 @ 6:08 PM