Friday, December 15, 2006
12/17 SNR
- GL: SCO's objections to the November 30th order by Magistrate Wells. Well, objections in the sense that they're giving themselves a 10 day window to dream up some objections. We'll have to wait & see how that turns out. I expect an enjoyable display of desperate tap-dancing.
- A similar take on that filing at Lamlaw.
- Another day, another MS-Novell article that mentions SCO.
- SCO gets a brief mention in this piece about the last 10 years in IT. A brief and unflattering mention, way down the page.
- Dana Blankenhorn asserts we're now seeing SCO's Last Stand. It's been a long time since I've been willing to make any predictions about that; every time it looks like they're getting close to the brink, some clueless bagholder shows up and plows fresh cash into the company. So we'll have to wait and see on this one.
- While we're on the subject of predicted demises, here's the first I've seen predicting the MS Zune will go away some time next year. Which would probably be true if it was any company other than MS, but over the years the media's been full of predictions of the demise of various stupid MS products. Go back and read just about any old press about Windows CE PDAs, and now look at all the Windows Mobile phones out there. Nobody really likes them, but they're stuck with 'em anyway, or at least they've been persuaded to think they are.
- A new MS spoof of those "Get a Mac" ads. You'd think with all that money, MS could afford at least one or two marketing or PR people who have at least some vestige of a clue. But sadly, no.
- From the boards (& /.), a piece about Microsoft's mythical Cairo OS from back in the mid-90's. The piece argues Cairo was nothing but a con game from the beginning.
- A Usenet thread about trying to diagnose an SMB headache. Even though the poor IT guy's saddled with a bunch of Win98 boxes, it's the lone SCO box that seems to be behind the misbehavior.
- An article about the ongoing non-GPL kernel module controversy.
- For any Skype users out there, there's an interesting new plugin that lets you run a voiceprint analysis on whoever you're talking to, sort of like a remote lie detector. I mention this because SCO is supposed to hold another quarterly conference call in the near future, and this sort of technology might be useful for adding additional, er, context to what the SCO folk have to say.
- This humble blog gets a rare mention from outside the SCO-o-sphere at Nelson's Linkblog (look for the 11-18-06 section). Not quite a link, but a mention, which is something, I suppose.
- Some benchmarks on Intel's new tasty quad-core goodness. Unsurprisingly, it compiles the 2.6.19 Linux kernel rather quickly, and the more memory bandwidth it has, the faster it goes. Dear Santa...
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Regarding the link to Dana Blankenhorn's blog, I don't quite understand his statement, "However, [Groklaw] now runs community network software in order to accomodate its large comment threads." Maybe he's referring to their move from 3 years ago.
I do find his link to amusing, though, where there is discussion about ongoing edit wars in regards to the subject of sand boxing and comment and account deletions on Groklaw.
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I do find his link to amusing, though, where there is discussion about ongoing edit wars in regards to the subject of sand boxing and comment and account deletions on Groklaw.
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