Wednesday, December 06, 2006
12/7 SNR
Today's steaming pile of SCO-related news:
- BusinessWeek: The street turns on Novell. There's also a less negative SJVN story at eWeek.
- The stock tanked a little more yesterday (12/6). It even touched, but didn't break, the "magic" $1 mark. The ongoing implosion even showed up on today's User Friendly. If you aren't familiar with UF, you're missing out on a great thing, and I may have to revoke your Geek License if you don't go visit right this instant.
- SCO gets a quick mention in the Seattle P-I's regular Microsoft Digest (which I gather is sort of like SNR, except that it's respectable and backed by a major print media outlet and it doesn't have to scour the net and widen the definition of "Microsoft" to a ridiculous degree in order to scare up enough material for a post. So my job here is a lot harder than that "Todd Bishop" guy, and I'm not making a cent off of this stuff.
- Not all the SCO news is bad. At least they finally fixed their website, sort of. So that's something, I guess.
- A short thread about the s/clusters/clustering fiasco over on comp.unix.sco.misc.
- There's also a thread over there on how to upgrade from MS Exchange to sendmail on OSR 5.0.6. No, really. I guess if those were my only two options, I'd at least give it serious consideration. But what a hell of a choice that would be.
- Elsewhere, a wag on reports on SCO's "Successes" web page, or the lack thereof.
- And a thread on comp.os.linux.advocacy about why Unixware is teh 5ux0r.
- A piece about the recent downsizing at OSDL. I'm not sure what to make of this yet.
- Darl's big brother Kevin has woes of his own. A while back I covered his foray into the patent troll industry. It's not turning out to be the most successful of forays. The ever-relentless Panglozz has the dirt here. Or if you like, just go to the Raging Bull board for Kevin's client, "Affinity Technology Group", and enjoy the show. Seems our very own stats_for_all made a cameo appearance over there recently and cued everyone in on ol' "Wrong Side" McBride.
- FYI: As a number of people have noted, the three-letter-acronym "SNR" can also stand for "Signal to Noise Ratio" and "Supernova Remnant". First, this is not entirely coincidental. Second, it just goes to show that TLAs (three-letter acronyms) are a rapidly diminishing natural resource. Unless we can invent new letters of the alphabet in time, soon all possible TLAs will have been used and reused and abused. And when that happens, our rapacious species won't bat an eye, and we'll move on to the four-letter extended acronyms (FLEAs, or FLXAs, whichever you prefer). Sure, you'll hear the head-in-the-sand crowd argue that there are 26x as many of those, but they're still a limited resource, and they'll be gone too before you know it. And once you're at five-letter ultra-extended acronyms (FLUXAs), you're practically inventing new words. People forget that "laser" started out as an acronym. Ok, well, whatever.
- For your enjoyment, Google Video offers a clip from the halcyon days of SCOForum 2005, back when SCO could still afford a real, live Tina Turner impersonator. That's SCO for you: classy and cultured.
- More retro fun from SCOForum '05, including a candid pic of Darl, "Tina", and friends. The guy sure has a way with the ladies, at least in his own mind...
- This is old, from October '04, but I hadn't seen it before: An actual, barely-retouched photo of Darl McBride and God, together at last, sort of.
- The very latest Tablet Mac and iPhone rumors.
- Esker has a shiny new toy, to go with the mega yacht.