Thursday, January 04, 2007
1/4 SNR
- The very last day SCO can file its 10-K and not be delinquent is January 29th. And the clock is ticking...
- Is Novell looking to buy XenSource? ( article mentions SCO)
- A piece about MySQL (the company). The recent partnership with SCO is mentioned as a black mark on the company's reputation.
- The former president & COO of Realm Systems (Anderer's old outfit) has moved on, and is now doing entertainment law. As opposed to "law as entertainment", which is what SCO practices.
- Jonathan Cohen's TICC outfit is paying dividends now. TICC is completely separate from Cohen's investment in SCO, if I recall correctly, which is probably why they have the money to pay dividends.
- The geniuses at Gartner think it's Linux vs. OS X for the non-Windows part of the desktop market, with Macs squeezing out Linux over time.
- But meanwhile, other analysts see a surge in Linux deployments over the next year.
- What's rarer than a SCO-related product announcement? A vulnerability in OpenBSD. Don't panic, though; it's only a local 'sploit, and you need your kernel configured just so for it to be possible.
- From ServerWatch, an overview of enterprise Unix in 2006. The article mentions the demise of IRIX, and discusses the uncertain future prospects for AIX & HP-UX, but not a word is said about SCO's OSes. Being called an also-ran is one thing, but falling off the radar entirely... Ouch.
- ...and if you care, a piece about the mainframe universe in 2006.
- HP's pages about supported OSes includes this page about their residual partnership with SCO.
- SCO's events page lists four trade shows, 3 recent and 1 upcoming. Note that the link to the CES show is broken. Of the four shows listed:
- A bit about using Linux grids to emulate old mainframes, Cobol, PL/I, the whole works.
- An oldie from Daemon News: "Memoirs of a Unix Bigot".
- A marketing article on "asymmetries" in the IT market. According to the article the Superpowers are taking over, conquering or co-opting everything in their path, and the little guy have no chance.
- What's new on Linux: ext4 and Samba 4.
- The Inquirer: "Time for the Wintel Endgame". I'm not holding my breath about that, especially the Intel part. The author's well within his rights to raise aesthetic objections to the x86 instruction set, but when was the last time you had to do significant work in assembly code? I haven't for close to 10 years now, and I've never missed it for a moment.
- A peek at the software side of the OLPC, better known as the $100 laptop project
- An interview with Jeremy Allison @ RedHerring.
- Enderle's still shilling those Forrester iTunes numbers. He can't ever give up on an attractive factoid, whether it's technically "true" or not. He probably thinks Saddam's still hiding those pesky WMDs, too.
- On the heels of the Ferrari laptop debacle, the trade press delivers an ethics lecture to those pesky bloggers.
- On IV, some vintage Caldera & OldSCO PR.
- A collection of MS parody videos.
- Two pieces about the botch that is EnchantedOffice.
- Plus an eWeek piece that describes Office 2007 as "off-putting".
- For those who weren't marking their calendars, IE6 was in a known vulnerable state for most of 2006.
- LG has a combo HD-DVD & Blu-Ray player on the way. Yay!
By brx0 @ 9:43 AM