Monday, March 12, 2007
3/12 SNR
- On GL, transcripts from all the recent SCO v. IBM hearings. So far I haven't had time to read 'em all, so I don't have anything cynical or snarky to say about 'em just yet. It looks like our merry band of intrepid courtroom junkies has covered most of the salient points already anyway.
- A very belated Slashdot story about Monday's hearing.
My token Gentoo-using hipster friend recently informed me that Slashdot is totally 20th century, and Digg is the new Slashdot. But I just checked there and I don't see any stories I haven't seen before. But at least there's nothing there about Soviet Russia or hot grits, which is something, I guess. - Our lil' buddy "Paul Murphy" has posted his latest rant about the IBM case. At one point he actually says: "as regular readers known my belief is that SCO has a strong case". No, this isn't an old piece from 2003, this is current.
The rest of the piece is the usual "Murphy" word salad. I can't make head or tail of it. It's eye-glazing from thirty paces, and it takes hours for your vision to completely recover. I'm not kidding. - A tech publishing co in .ZA is switching to Fedora (and not Ubuntu, their "local" distro).
- And the French parliament is going with Ubuntu (and not Mandriva, their "local" distro).
- The very latest on the AIG + Greenberg + BS&F saga. Seems Greenberg hired a PR firm to polish his public image, but never quite got around to paying them. So now they're suing.
One of the PR firm's many uber-genius ideas was to set up at least one public appearance by Boies himself. So it's possible Greenberg feels he's already paid them what their assistance was worth. - Here's something fun. This may just be a weird coincidence, or possibly I'm not enough of a conspiracy buff to see how the dots connect. The other day I was poking around in the dusty corners of ancient Unix history, and did a search on Venix, a very early commercial *Nix from a company called VenturCom. As you can see in the WP article for VenturCom, they changed their name to "Ardence" in 2004, and in 2006 were acquired by Citrix. Yes, that Citrix, founded and until recently headed by none other than Dayjet Eddie, recently of SCO's board of directors. And there's more Venix stuff hosted at iBiblio, coincidentally also home to Groklaw. Hmmmmmm....
Labels: linux, open source, sco, tech