Tuesday, May 29, 2007
5/29 SNR
- The stock's up again today, for still-unknown reasons. No news of any kind, still, not even any more content-free Me Inc. PR. So I lean towards the shorts covering / short squeeze hypothesis. I suppose it could be some sort of collusive insider scheme, but I always tend to favor alternatives that don't require a conspiracy. It's not that I don't think they'd try it, it's just that I don't think they'd have suddenly become competent at pump-n-dumping after all these years. If you ask me, the very "success" of the runup argues against anyone at SCO having a hand in causing it.
- A SYS-CON piece about Novell, M$, EFF, patents, etc. The byline is ".NETDJ News Desk", but it sure reads like a MOG piece. Blech.
- More assorted articles about SCO, M$, Novell, the EFF, patents, etc., at InfoWorld, ZDNet, InformationWeek, Ars Technica. These probably all deserve more analysis than I'm giving them, but it's a busy day, and it's sunny outside (a rarity here in Oregon), and so I'll just pass the links along for your enjoyment. GL has sort of a roundup of recent media coverage around the whole mess. The gist of it all is that SCO is/was just the opening act in Microsoft's anti-F/OSS jihad, and the main event is still to come.
- SCO & M$ both get a mention in this piece about another company spewing patent fud.
- Comments from Moglen about his stepping back at EFF. The proposed SCO gag order gets a quick mention.
- A product announcement that mentions SCO OSes briefly. No, I don't think this accounts for today's big runup.
Labels: linux, open source, sco, tech