Monday, May 07, 2007
5/7 SNR
- This August, SCO will hold something they call SCO Tec Forum 2007, which will be held in place of the usual SCO Forum event. The announcement is a choice example of PR spin, first saying that SCO Forum's simply been renamed to emphasize its technical focus, and later notes that a "full" SCO Forum event might be held next spring some time. From which we can gather that the August event will not be a full SCO Forum, and I imagine it's likely to be a substantially scaled-back event compared to previous years. Still at the Mirage, though, so if you get bored with the cutting-edge seminars on how to slap a GUI on top of your crufty old OpenServer app, you could go see the Cirque du Soleil's Beatles show, if you're into that. At least it'd be far less surreal than listening to SCO PHBs blathering on about the bright future ahead.
- Inquirer and CBR on the delisting letter.
- Unspam's anti-spam registry is a flop. So probably the next step will be to either make it mandatory for all Utah residents, or give the company a massive bailout at taxpayer expense, or both.
- What to do when faced with a "No Open Source" clause. Fortunately these are far less common than they were just a few years ago.
- Dell's signing up with the M$-Novell partnership. Hmm. It looks like this has to do with server hardware, and is unrelated to Dell's recent Ubuntu announcement.
- On the heels of Dell's Ubuntu thing, Toshiba's thinking about preinstalled Linux too.
- Here's a tiny lil' Linux box to go with the Olivetti TCV-250 you went out and bought after reading the previous SNR post
- A letter from The Steve about Apple & the environment.
- InfoWorld suggests that Oracle's Unbreakable Linux is gaining acceptance.
- ZDNet: "Time to lap up Linux".
- Computerworld on the Digg vs. AACS situation. Warning: Includes super-seeekrit number, visit at own risk.
- Bill Beebe writes about the AACS thing here. Warning: Includes super-seeekrit number, visit at own risk.
- Also from ComputerWorld, yet another Vista horror story.
- Vista: More secure than OS X? It's not a very convincing piece: One interviewee talks about code quality, but has he actually seen Vista source code? And another quote comes from Theo. Yeah, try getting Theo to say anything nice about any OS other than OpenBSD. Won't happen.
- The latest MS Word / ActiveX vulnerability.
- Apple's managed to attract yet another patent troll.
- And finally, the BBC reports on a toad discovered lurking on the bottom of Loch Ness. Yikes.
Labels: linux, open source, sco, tech