Thursday, August 30, 2007
8/30 SNR
- Another new batch of filings in the Novell case. Docs #410-411 are intriguing. SCO's now asking Kimball for Final Judgement on the PSJs they lost a while back. They're just itching to file an appeal, they're rarin' to go, but they can't until Judge K. makes it all final.
Doc #411, their memo in support, is rather amusing to read. SCO goes on at length about all these unresolved issues they'd like to talk to the appeals court about. It's quite a masterpiece of lameness. SCO's argument has three key points:
A.) Letting them appeal right away would potentially save a little time and/or money, unless they manage to delay the appeals case too, and they're certainly going to try.
B.) They've found a handful of cases to cite that indicate an appeal is not expressly prohibited under the current circumstances.
C.) They have a short list of new, incomprehensible, Bifflike arguments they'd like to chat about with an appellate judge.
Which is all a verbose way of saying they'd like a do-over, please, judge. It actually sounds like they'd prefer to jump straight to the appeal now and not bother with a trial in front of Kimball at all, if possible.
- Meanwhile, doc #412 is the parties' joint report on how long they think the Novell trial's going to take now. They both estimate it'll take 4-5 days now, down from the original three weeks.
- Over the years, whenever SCO decided to make another "dramatic" move in the courtroom, there's always been a helpful, friendly hack journalist on hand to help SCO try the case in the media. There's always someone out there who's simply thrilled to have an exclusive direct line to Darl, and they happily parrot whatever spin he offers, no matter how much their journalistic credibility suffers in the bargain. That's still true, even now. In that spirit, Paul McDougall offers us his "SCO Likely To Appeal Novell Ruling, CEO Darl McBride Says", in which we learn that Kimball's ruling must be incorrect because everyone at SCO was absolutely blindsided by it, allegedly. Nothing much to see here, just another moth to the flame. Honestly, I don't know why they do it.
- Oh, and a belated Motley Fool story about the PSJ rulings and subsequent stock implosion. FWIW.
- And SJVN's latest, "How SCO Helped Linux"
By brx0 @ 12:24 AM