Wednesday, September 26, 2007
9/26 SNR
- SCO's officially joined Nasdaq's list of delinquent companies now. Which means delisting may be in the cards soon -- once all the frivolous appeals and delaying tactics have been exhausted. So it may be a while yet.
- PJ explores bankruptcy law here, trying to puzzle out what happens next. The answer so far: Nobody knows.
- You know the old saying, "Victory has a thousand fathers, and defeat is an orphan"? Enderle's now aping Lyons in running away from SCO, sort of. Forgive me if I don't take their mea culpas at face value. Everybody knew SCO was a scam years ago. The only thing that's changed recently is that it's become a very unsuccessful scam. Do you really suppose they'd be singing the same tune if all the same evidence had come out, but SCOSource licenses were flying off the shelves anyway? I sincerely doubt that.
Enderle's bit goes on and on about being threatened by Linux criminals. I personally doubt that ever happened. I mean, if someone threatened you, would you (a) post self-pitying rants about it on the net, or (b) call the police? There's no sign he ever did (b), so we've only got his word to go on, and it's pretty clear by now what his word is worth.
- As for Lyons, here's a highly unimpressed take on his Fake Steve gig and related Apple FUD.
- Gartner's George Weiss, yet another erstwhile SCO shill, now says Unix will be effectively dead by 2009, all because of Linux.
- ComputerWorld, a couple of days ago: SCO's Finances May Come Crashing Down"
- ESR chimes in about Lyons, Enderle, and MOG: "SCO and the Three Stooges"
- Glyn Moody on Enderle & friends: "SCO Long, and Thanks for All the Fish".
- A thread about SCO's finances on c.u.s.m. The main concern of most posters is what happens to SCO's OSes in the future. One hardcore SCO supporter complains that the title of the thread isn't a verbatim quote. Talk about grasping at straws.
- New activity in Ralphieland, turned up by the ever-relentless Panglozz:, a new ThinkAtomic tentacle supposedly in the "packaging & container" business, which sounds like a front for something if you ask me.
Meanwhile VentureQuest -- the other new Canopy --invests in an apparently nonexistent bank
- HBO's going to do a movie about the 2000 election in Florida, with Ed Begley Jr. as David Boies. I didn't realize Ed Begley Jr.'s career was in the tank quite that badly.
- Speaking of Boies: On September 23rd, the day SCO got a delisting notice and announced Ryan Tibbitts's big raise, Boies was otherwise engaged. Seems that some nonprofit org invited him to join a panel discussion about Africa, in which various bigwigs wring their hands about the third world from the comfort of an ultra-luxe private club in Manhattan. Yeah, that'll fix everything. Classy!
- One of many articles about the soon-to-ship Eee PC. The Eee got a blurb in the September issue of Vogue (can't find a copy online though), which referred to Linux as "intuitive". I imagine relatively few SNR readers are also regular Vogue readers, but making it into the September issue is a big deal. It's the fall fashion issue, topping out at 800+ pages, and the Eee is on about page 619 if I remember right. So as a result, now my wife's pestering me to get her one, and I probably will soon, unless the thing is a complete lemon.
By brx0 @ 11:19 AM