Tuesday, June 26, 2007


6/28 SNR

The SCO news drought continues, although tomorrow promises to be a big day in Somewhat Related News.

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Monday, June 25, 2007


6/25 SNR

As I suspected, nothing major happened in my absence. So at least it'll be fairly simple to get caught up, I suppose.

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Wednesday, June 20, 2007



I'll be out of Series Of Tubes range for a few days, taking a mini-vacation from all and sundry. I'm very much aware that SCO is an evil that does not sleep, but it's been a while since anything really momentous has happened on the SCO front. Odds are things will be exactly as they are now when I get back. And if not, hey, that's great (probably). Last time I was out of town, I said something to the effect that my inability to cover SCO would somehow make the company implode. Well, no such luck, so I'm not going to make a similar prediction this time. So: Same bad time, same bad station, Friday, or Saturday at the latest, unless it ends up being Sunday. So here's one vote for holding the SCOpocalypse no earlier than next Monday, but as soon as possible after that.

Until I get back, I've got a couple of pics of yesterday's mini-roadtrip here, in the unlikely event that you're interested.

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Wednesday, June 13, 2007


6/17 SNR

So here's what's happened in the last few days in the ongoing SCOap opera. What didn't happen, once again, is a ruling on any of the pending PSJ's in the Novell & IBM cases. Non-rulings

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Friday, June 08, 2007


6/12 SNR

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Wednesday, June 06, 2007


6/8 SNR

Sorry about the lack of posts lately. I've been a bit busy this week. Fortunately(?) nothing truly major has happened lately, so I can still at least try to get caught up. Here's what we've seen over the last couple of days:

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Tuesday, June 05, 2007


6/5 SNR II: Mini-CC edition

So the Q2 numbers were the usual mild ugliness, and there were no significant announcements during the call. So you really have to wonder what today's trading was all about.

Like I usually do, I posted on IV as I was listening to the call. It's a 3-parter this time: Intro, The Darl & Bert Show, and Question Time.

The last one's pretty short, since there weren't any questions this time. Not a single freakin' question. I may have linked to this before, but the Free Sound Project has a large collection of cricket sounds. Even better, the clips are available under a Creative Commons license, one of those dreaded open-source things SCO gets all worked up over. Nice.

So other than the absence of questions, the call was a pretty humdrum affair. Yawn.

While SCO's busy "eagerly awaiting" their September 17th trial date with Novell, BS&F is staying busy. Here's the latest on the AIG/Greenberg and Tyco situations. And now Boies has a new gig working for Michael Moore. About a month ago, BS&F announced the hiring of two top patent & trade secret litigators. Although this should't affect the SCO case, since SCO has no patents or trade secrets. Oh, and they've got a new office in Orlando (FWIW, and I realize this is sort of a Mickey Mouse item.)

And here's some PR about a new Novell partnership, which uses the hair-raising phrase "mixed source".

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6/5 SNR

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Monday, June 04, 2007


6/4 SNR

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Sunday, June 03, 2007


6/3 SNR

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